Dream work that takes teamwork

Ed and Ann-Marie Stephens
Ed and Ann-Marie Stephens are product development engineers who started Precise Portions to help their own families and other similar families who were stricken with Type 2 Diabetes.

Lead Dietitian
Robin Nwankwo MPH, CDE, RD
Robin Nwankwo is a Certified Diabetes Educator & Registered Dietitian with demonstrated excellence in community health. She has 30+ years experience with The University of Michigan Health System supporting diabetes self-management education.

Lead AI Specialist
Michael Thompson PhD
Michael Thompson is an expert in Bayesian and probabilistic modeling applied in deriving insights into and predicting behaviors of people, markets, products and processes in the consumer goods industry. A 20+ year Procter & Gamble Alum.

Lead Nutritionist & Flavors Development
Tessa Brown Downes
Full time Nutritionist who consistently exhibits caring and sensitivity for all who work with her. She will bring that care and her passion for not compromising on great flavors to the task of delivering meal plans & guidance that members love.
Over 15 years of results across diverse families
We’re always cautious about health protocols being “pushed on us” and not based on different cultures thriving. Since the beginning, our focus was the day-to-day realities of people: What makes them feel good? What’s easy for them to keep up? Because once we found those: people themselves were sharing it, inspiring others, and spreading our mission.
WelFore Health in the press

The 5 Most Energizing Morning Shakes
If you want to start creating morning shakes at home with your blender, you're already one step ahead of the game in terms of saving money and having complete control over what goes into your drink. It's OK to have a smoothie every day if it has a healthy mix of nutrients.
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Just Move! To stay healthy
Moving frequently is even more critical for those who cannot find time for regular exercise. Exercise is not the only way to stay fit, as there are many other ways, like what about dancing? It can be pretty extensive and yet much more enjoyable. Moreover, dancing can help reduce stress, counter anxiety and depression.
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